Located in the heart of downtown Milwaukee, the Cathedral Square clinic provides a range of specialized healthcare services, including Internal Medicine, Gastroenterology, Endocrinology, and Gynecology. Patients benefit from easy, convenient parking in the building’s structure, accessible via East Mason Street between Jefferson and Jackson. With multi-floor facilities and a commitment to high-quality, patient-centered care, the Cathedral Square clinic is an ideal choice for comprehensive medical services in Milwaukee.
788 N. Jefferson Street
Milwaukee, WI 53202
Appointments: (414) 272-8950
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Get started on the road to healing, call for an appointment or complete our contact form.
Internal Medicine (3rd Floor) (414) 272-8950
Gastroenterology (4th Floor) (414) 226-4020
Endocrinology (2nd Floor) (414) 226-4010
Gynecology (2nd Floor) (414) 226-4011